DELC Research Seminar Series: Intermediality workshop

In brief

Dates - 13 and 14 March 2025

Venues - Seminar Room 1, Chrystal MacMillan Building; Room 4.3, Lister Learning and Teaching Centre; Project Room 1.06, 50 George Square

Format - Two keynote talks and ten panel discussions

Keynote speakers - Niklas Salmose (Linnaeus University) and Shuangyi Li (University of Bristol)

About the event

Over the past few decades, both World Literature and Intermediality have become well-established yet hotly debated concepts and fields of academic inquiry. However, they were developed and often treated as separate critical frameworks.

In this second joint workshop of the research partnerships in intermedial studies between the University of Edinburgh and Meiji University (Tokyo, Japan), Linnaeus University (Sweden) and Aix-Marseille University (France), we wish to investigate the shared theoretical concerns between these two areas, renegotiating text-based approaches to World Literature with methods developed to study the intersections between other art forms.

This event will mark the launch of the new Edinburgh University Press book series “Edinburgh Critical Studies in World Literature and Intermediality”, which shares the key aims of the workshop.

Find out more about the book series


To view the full programme details, you can visit the Intermediality blog. Below, you will find an abridged version.

View the full programme on the blog

Thursday 13 March

Seminar Room 1, Chrystal MacMillan Building

9:10 to 9:15am - Welcome & Workshop Introduction

9:15 to 10:00am - Keynote 1: Niklas Salmose (Linnaeus University), “The Medial Affordances of Nostalgia” (Chair: Fabien Arribert-Narce)

10:00 to 11:15am - Panel 1: Intermedial border crossings – from theatre and poetic prose to various screen (non-)adaptations and live performances (Chair: Inma Sanchez-Garcia)

11:30am to 12:45pm - Panel 2: Intercultural adaptations between Eastern and Western canons - from pre-modern literature to film and other contemporary media (Chair: Beate Schirrmacher)

Room 4.3, Lister Learning and Teaching Centre

1:45 to 2:35pm - Panel 3: Intermedial afterlives - the journey of iconic characters across cultures and media (Chair: Sébastien Lefait)

2:35 to 3:25pm - Panel 4: Poetry, music and painting - the transmission of affect between silence and singular voices (Chair: Sarah Tribout-Joseph)

3:45 to 5:20pm - Panel 5: On the production, translation and circulation of books in a global market (Chair: Jørgen Bruhn)

Friday 14 March

Project Room 1.06, 50 George Square

9:15 to 10:00am - Keynote 2: Shuangyi Li (Bristol), “Intermediating Sino-African Transcultural Memory: Yvonne Owuor’s The Dragonfly Sea and Zao Wou-Ki’s Paintings”(Chair: Fabien Arribert-Narce)

10:00 to 10:50am - Panel 6: Museums, archives and memory - articulating multiple voices and identities via reclamation and resistance (Chair: Alex Watson)

11:05am to 12:20pm - Panel 7: Intermedial ecocriticism - storytelling and eco-media in a global economic system (Chair: Niklas Salmose)

1:20 to 2:10pm - Panel 8: Transcultural re-interpretations and appropriations in global literature and cinema (Chair: Alice Blackhurst)

2:10 to 3:00pm - Panel 9: Intermedial cinema - phenomenology, hypermediacy and remediations (Chair: Inma Sanchez-Garcia)

3:25 to 5:00pm - Panel 10: Ways of reading/looking - genre-defying fiction and textual hybridity (Chair: Emmanuelle Lacore-Martin)

How to attend

This event is open to all, and free to attend. No registration is necessary - just come along!

About the seminar series

The DELC Research Seminar Series (DRSS) encourages collaboration and coproduction between staff and students across European Languages and Cultures and Intermediality and beyond.

Entry is free and everyone is welcome. No registration is necessary.

Are you interested in studying Intermediality?

As the first UNESCO World City of Literature, home of the Edinburgh International Festival and a major cultural hub, Edinburgh is the ideal place for the study of intermediality. Our one-year taught masters programme draws on world-class teaching and research expertise across media, from literature to film, music, painting, photography and visual culture more widely.

The programme will make you conversant with intermedial theory and equip you with the critical tools and historical background for understanding and analysing a wide range of intermedial phenomena across different periods and cultures. It can also be completed part-time over two years.