Foundation 1 (CEFR: A1)

Descriptors providing an indication of the passive and productive abilities of students passing Foundation 1.

‘Can do’ statements

The following descriptors provide an indication of the passive and productive abilities of students passing this course. Students passing at grade:

Students passing at grade:Will meet these criteria:
Aalmost all of the time
Bmost of the time
Dsome of the time

Listening Comprehension

  • Understand simple words and phrases, like ‘excuse me’, ‘sorry’, ‘thank you’ etc., when people speak very slowly and very clearly.
  • Understand basic greeting and basic personal questions when people speak slowly and clearly.

Reading Comprehension

  • Recognise names, words and phrases he/she knows and use them to understand very simple sentences if there are pictures.
  • Understand simple forms well enough to give basic personal details.
  • Understand very simple instructions if supported by pictures and the type of instructions is familiar.


  • Interact in a simple way, using basic greeting and leave taking expressions, and asking and answering simple questions given the chance to repeat, repair and ask for help.
  • Ask people questions about where they live, people they know, things they have etc., and answer such questions when articulate slowly and clearly.
  • Buy things in shops where pointing or other gestures can support what is said.


  • Write about him/herself and where he/she lives using short, simple phrases.
  • Understand a hotel registration form well enough to give the most important information about myself, name, surname, date of birth, nationality etc.
  • Write a greeting card, eg. a birthday card.