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What's on in European Languages and Cultures.
Event listing
BABBLE launch
A celebration of the first issue of our online Creative Writing magazine for students in European Languages and Cultures.
Further informationNationhood and Nationalism Today - A public debate
This public debate will tackle issues of nationalism and national identity in the wake of Brexit and against the backdrop of the spread of nationalist movements and parties across Europe.
Further informationAuthorship as Collaboration: Actor-Network Theory and Literature
In this talk Dr Rebecca Braun explores how Goethe's ideas on world literature emerged from a larger conceptual programme of relatedness between people, things, and ideas, and will then move to a discussion of 21st-century literary networks.
Further informationCharlemagne: a European Icon
The second Edinburgh symposium by the "Charlemagne: a European Icon" network project will take place on the 14th of October.
Further informationThis article was published on