Tense, Aspect and Modality in L2 (TAML2)

In brief

Date - 27 to 28 October 2023

Venue - 50 George Square

Plenary speakersAntonella Sorace (University of Edinburgh); Iraide Ibarretxe-Antuñano (Universidad de Zaragoza); Eloi Puig-Mayenco (King’s College London); Alfonso Zamorano Aguilar & María Martínez-Atienza de Dios (Universidad de Córdoba)

Organisers - School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures; Bilingualism Matters Edinburgh; Instituto Cervantes of Manchester-Leeds; ELEUK Association

Book your ticket on ePay

About the conference

The acquisition and learning of Tense, Aspect and Modality (TAM) representations in an additional language is one of the most challenging tasks for second language learners.  

TAML2 brings together researchers, coming from many different countries, working on different aspects of the acquisition, learning and teaching of TAM in second languages.

The conference responds to a widely recognised need for an updated knowledge base and innovative methodological tools in the study of temporal and modal representations in a second language (L2) or additional language. It aims to complement previous research perspectives by providing a dynamic exploration of recent, up-to-date issues in contemporary research.

We expect that the outcome of this conference will allow us to improve our vision of:

  • linguistic theory
  • second language learning
  • second language acquisition (SLA)
  • language teaching
  • the study of heritage languages

We will discuss both theoretical and pedagogical implications of the research on acquisition and learning of TAM.

Our goal is to gain insight into the acquisition and learning of TAM representations in a second or additional language. The conference will also allow us to strengthen networks of scholars working on SLA from different perspectives.

All presenters will be invited to submit their work for the selected proceedings of the conference, which will be published as a special issue by an international journal.

Plenary speakers

Our confirmed plenary speakers are:

Antonella Sorace Bilingualism Matters, The University of Edinburgh

Find out more about Antonella's research

Iraide Ibarretxe-Antuñano Universidad de Zaragoza 

Find out more about Iraide's research

Eloi Puig-Mayenco King’s College London 

Find out more about Eloi's research

Project Teoría-ELE

Speakers from Project Teoría-ELE include:

Alfonso Zamorano Aguilar Universidad de Córdoba

Find out more about Alfonso's research

María Martínez-Atienza de Dios Universidad de Córdoba

Find out more about María's research

Find out more about Project Teoría-ELE

How to attend

This conference is costed, with tickets available to purchase on ePay.

Book your ticket on ePay

Contact us

Should you require any further information about the conference, please do not hesitate to contact Carlos Soler Montes by email.

Email Carlos about the conference  


TAML2 is organised by the School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures at the University of Edinburgh in collaboration with Bilingualism Matters Edinburgh, Instituto Cervantes of Manchester-Leeds and the ELEUK Association.