In brief
Date - 1 April 2024
Venue - Project Room 1.06, 50 George Square
Speaker - Dr Paul Joseph Lennon (University of St Andrews)
Chair - Dr Sergi Mainer (Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies)
Title - Ferreira, Boscán, and the Lesser Spotted Matrimonial Canzoniere of Iberia
About the event
For this event, we welcome back former student Dr Paul Joseph Lennon (LLB in Law and Spanish, 2008) who will give a talk entitled 'Ferreira, Boscán, and the Lesser Spotted Matrimonial Canzoniere of Iberia'.
Dr Lennon will consider Portuguese poet António Ferreira’s contribution to the lesser-studied genre of the matrimonial canzoniere in his Poemas Lusitanos (1598). In particular, he will explain how Ferreira’s experience of loss is key to our understanding of his amorous sonnet cycle as a response to Petrarch’s poetic legacy.
To do so, he will explore how Ferreira dialogues with Spain’s Juan Boscán, whom he recognises explicitly as an influence, on the subject of reciprocal love, and Italy’s Vittoria Colonna, whose poetry to her deceased husband sparked an imitative trend of its own, to outline how the Portuguese poet’s sonnet cycle was pivotal to his poetic enterprise and championing of the Portuguese language.
After the talk, there will be a chaired discussion and refreshments.
About the speaker
Dr Paul Joseph Lennon joined University of St Andrews as Lecturer in Comparative Literature and Spanish in 2017, having previously worked at Cambridge and Exeter universities. He received his LLB from the University of Edinburgh, MPhil and PhD from the University of Cambridge, and is a Fellow of Advance HE and the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland.
Dr Lennon specialises in the Early Modern period with a focus on Hispanic literature and culture and the influences that helped shape it, particularly those of Renaissance Italy. His main areas of investigation include syncretism, classical reception, and gender.
Browse Dr Lennon's staff profile on the University of St Andrew's website
How to attend
This event is free to attend and open to all. No registration required.
About the seminar series
The DELC Research Seminar Series (DRSS) encourages collaboration and coproduction between staff and students across European Languages and Cultures and beyond.
Entry is free and everyone is welcome. No registration is necessary.
Are you interested in studying European Languages and Cultures?
Our interdisciplinary environment brings together specialists in nine European languages, and the many cultures worldwide in which they're spoken, with experts in film, literature, theatre, translation and intermediality. Working with colleagues elsewhere in LLC, and across the wider University, we are able to support research which crosses boundaries between disciplines and/or languages.