Knowledge | Range [breadth/depth] | Seriously inadequate, with major omissions and/or serious inaccuracies. |
Command of Material | Serious inadequacies in knowledge base, which compromise response to material. | |
Awareness of Scholarship | Little or no awareness of relevant literature and major issues surrounding a topic. | |
Argument & analysis | Focus on Question | Wholly irrelevant. |
Clarity of Structure | Wholly incoherent and/or lacking in logical development. | |
Analytical Skills and Independence of Thought | No evidence of critical awareness or insight; descriptive narrative of dubious relevance to topic; no evidence of independent thought. | |
Use & Evaluation of Evidence | Marks at this level will have major omissions and/or misinterpretations of evidence. | |
Language & Expression | Clarity, Organisation & Accuracy | Unclear and imprecise throughout. |
Grammar & Syntax | Serious weakness in syntax and grammar. | |
Spelling | Substantial errors. | |
Fluency of Writing | Incoherent and/or compromised by lack of content. | |
Scholarly apparatus | Accuracy & Consistency of Referencing | As E, but with even greater failing, including near or complete absence. |
Accuracy & Consistency of Works Cited list | As E, but with even greater failing, including near or complete absence. |
These are the qualities associated with the grade F , 20-29 Clear Fail*.
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