Undergraduate prizes

Celebrating the academic achievements of our undergraduate students in English and Scottish Literature.

NameDescriptionCurrent value
James Elliott Prize (English)The English prize is awarded annually to the Honours graduate of the year whose work in Literature is judged to be the best by the examiners (who have the power to withhold the award if no candidate of sufficient merit appears).£2,500
Jean Helen Macleod PrizeAwarded annually to the student who in the judgement of the University examiners submitted the best paper on Shakespeare in the Final Honours examination.£600
The Edinburgh Sir Walter Scott Club MedalThe medal and a prize awarded annually to the student with the best performance in a course on Scottish Literature in the honours years.£100
Jo Wilson PrizeEstablished in 2021, this Prize is awarded to the undergraduate student who has the best performance in a Creative Writing course in the Honours years.£150
J. Logie Robertson Memorial PrizeTwo prizes may be awarded annually, both in Literary Studies 1, to one or more students. They will be expected to be familiar with Scottish literature, including as may be determined from time to time the works of James Logie Robertson (“Hugh Halliburton”).£100 x 2
Saintsbury PrizeAwarded annually to the best student in English Literature 2.£350
Lanfine BursaryA number of Lanfine Bursaries are awarded annually but may be renewed for a second year, subject to performance: one of these is awarded to a student in English Literature 2 based on class work (The bursaries are managed by the appropriate School office). 

2023 to 2024 Winners

James Elliott Prize (English)Luke Kerton-Johnson
Jean Helen Macleod PrizeAggie Bright
The Edinburgh Sir Walter Scott Club MedalMarni Robertson
Jo Wilson PrizeMila Gresham
J. Logie Robertson Memorial Prize for Literary Studies 1AAlfred Goodwin
J. Logie Robertson Memorial Prize for Literary Studies 1BLauren Green
Saintsbury PrizeLauren Lownes
Lanfine BursaryLauren Lownes

2022 to 2023 Winners

James Elliott Prize (English)Emily Simpson
Jean Helen Macleod PrizeMaddie Freeman
The Edinburgh Sir Walter Scott Club MedalLauren Galligan
Jo Wilson PrizeKatie Paulus
J. Logie Robertson Memorial Prize for Literary Studies 1ACilla Sullivan
J. Logie Robertson Memorial Prize for Literary Studies 1BTheo Grandorge
Saintsbury PrizeGeorgia Brooks
Lanfine BursaryGeorgia Brooks

2021 to 2022 Winners

James Elliott Prize (English)Chiara Hampton
Jean Helen Macleod PrizeFrances Ryan
The Edinburgh Sir Walter Scott Club MedalCara Blacklock
Jo Wilson PrizeLaurie Maclachlan
J. Logie Robertson Memorial Prize for Literary Studies 1ARose Fordham
J. Logie Robertson Memorial Prize for Literary Studies 1BGeorgia Brooks
Saintsbury PrizeJennifer Rush
Lanfine BursaryTatun Millow Harrison-Turnbull

2020 to 2021 Winners

James Elliott Prize (English)Jack Martell
Jean Helen Macleod PrizeIsabelle Guis
The Edinburgh Sir Walter Scott Club MedalSophie Duncan
Jo Wilson PrizeJack Martell
J. Logie Robertson Memorial Prize for English Literature 1Tatun Harrison-Turnbull
J. Logie Robertson Memorial Prize for Scottish Literature 1Jan Derksen
Saintsbury PrizeJane Jia Hui
Lanfine BursaryLeyre Cuesta

2019 to 2020 Winners

James Elliott Prize (English)Theodore (Theo) Rollason
Jean Helen Macleod PrizeElsa Darlington
The Edinburgh Sir Walter Scott Club MedalPatrick Jamieson
J. Logie Robertson Memorial Prize for English Literature 1Georgina McNamara
J. Logie Robertson Memorial Prize for Scottish Literature 1Anna-Lena Roll
Saintsbury PrizeJasmine Webster
Lanfine BursaryEléanor Glynn

2018 to 2019 Winners

James Elliott Prize (English)Shared between:  Jennifer Dinwoodie and Hattie Cooper-Hockey
Jean Helen Macleod PrizeShared between:  Madelyn Way, Alisdair Flett and Laura Newton
The Edinburgh Sir Walter Scott Club MedalAmy McFall
J.Logie Robertson Memorial Prize for English Literature 1Hubert Jing Jie Yeo
J.Logie Robertson Memorial Prize for Scottish Literature 1Cara Blacklock
Saintsbury PrizeStephanie Rico
Lanfine BursaryPhoebe McGowan
Certificate of Merit for Scottish Literature 1Heather (Lovette) Finnegan
Certificate of Merit for English Literature 1Zhi Kang Chua;  Xuanlin Tham 
Certificate of Merit for Scottish Literature 2Rebecca Lee;  Iona Boyd;  Orla Schatzlein
Certificate of Merit for English Literature 2Nadia Jaswal

2017 to 2018 Winners

James Elliott Prize (English)Roisin Trelfa
Jean Helen Macleod PrizeMegan-Rosannah Candler and Benjamin King-Cox  (shared)
The Edinburgh Sir Walter Scott Club MedalJoe Christie
J.Logie Robertson Memorial Prize for English Literature 1Niamh Mackey
J.Logie Robertson Memorial Prize for Scottish Literature 1Orla Schatzlein
Saintsbury PrizeEmily Dominey
Lanfine BursaryTheodore Rollason
Certificate of Merit for Scottish Literature 1Juliette Francisco; Garance Fraisse; Rhayna Kramer
Certificate of Merit for English Literature 1Emma King
Certificate of Merit for English Literature 2Isabela Rodrigues;  Ashley McCutcheon; Dorothea Charles