Its remit is to oversee finance and fundraising; to give advice on broadening impact of the Letters in the wider community; to give advice with the transition to final volumes of the Letters after publication of volume 43 (1866, death of Jane Welsh Carlyle) and the evolution of the editorial team.
The Advisory Group consists of Professors:
- William Christie (Sydney University)
- Kathy Chamberlain (City University of New York, emeritus)
- Glenda Norquay (Liverpool John Moores University)
- Lindsay Paterson (Edinburgh University).
Ian Campbell is a member, as emeritus prof. of Scottish and Victorian literature and one of the senior editors of the Letters. The board is convened by Aileen Christianson once a year, with other ongoing contact by email.
The Edinburgh editors, Jane Roberts, Liz Sutherland and Jonathan Wild are also invited to attend meetings.
Kathy Chamberlain
Kathy Chamberlain is chair of Women Writing Women's Lives, an ongoing seminar for biographers founded in 1990 and affiliated with the Graduate Center of the City University of New York.
Professor Chamberlain taught English for 34 years at BMCC/CUNY. She has given lectures on Jane Welsh Carlyle at the CUNY Graduate Center and at conferences in the USA and UK, and has published several essays about JWC and problems of biography. She is currently writing a book about JWC's life in the 1840s.
William Christie
William Christie is an associate professor and Chair of the English Department at the University of Sydney. Founder of the Romantic Studies Association of Australasia, he has published widely on the literature and culture of Romantic Britain.
His books include His books include Samuel Taylor Coleridge: A Literary Life (2006), which won the New South Wales Premier’s Biennial Prize for Literary Scholarship in 2008, The Letters of Francis Jeffrey to Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle (2008), and most recently The Edinburgh Review in the Literary Culture of Romantic Britain (2009).
Glenda Norquay
Glenda Norquay is Chair of Scottish Literary Studies at Liverpool John Moores University. She has published extensively on Robert Louis Stevenson, on Scottish women’s writing and on women’s suffrage literature. She is currently editing the Edinburgh Companion to Scottish Women’s Writing and also researching St Ives for the New Edinburgh Edition of Stevenson’s works.
Lindsay Paterson
Lindsay Paterson is professor of educational policy at Edinburgh University and has written widely on Scottish education, culture, politics and social structure. He has a particular interest in the development of secondary-school and university curricula between the late- 19th century and the present, on the association between these and changing ideas of citizenship, and on the role which education and wider cultural thought have played in the maintenance of a distinctively Scottish civic realm in that same period. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.