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Helbo, André, ‘Discontinu et mobilité’, Degrés, no. 2, avril 1973, m1-m10 Helbo, André, Michel Butor vers une littérature du signe’, Brussels, Complexe, 1975 Hilty, Gerold, 'Imaginatio reflexa: A propos du style réflecteur dans La Modification de Michel Butor', Vox Romanica: Annales Helvetici Explorandis Linguis Romanicis Destinati, vol. 32, 1973, 40-59 Hirsch, Marianne, ‘Michel Butor: The Decentralized Vision’, Contemporary Literature, 1981, vol. 22, no. 3, 326-348 Hoft March, Eilene, ‘Truth or Literary Consequences: Butor’s Confessions of a Portraitist’, Neophilologus, 1994, vol. 78, no. 3, 361-70 Howitt, J.B., ‘Michel Butor and Manchester’, Nottingham French Studies, no. 12, 1973, 74-85 Hübner, Wolfgang, ‘Paris-Rom-Paris: die varronischen Sondergötter bei Augustin und Michel Butor’, Comparatio, vol. 5, no. 1, 2013, 19-48 İçel, Duran, ‘La Représentation plurielle de la ville chez Michel Butor’, Frankofoni, vol. 18, 2006, 365-79 Inglis, Angus A., ‘The Application and Development of Michel Butor’s Collage Principle in Illustrations IV’, Review of Contemporary Fiction, vol. 5, no. 3, 1985, 103-107 Inglis, Angus A., ‘Art, Chaos and Celebration: An Analysis of Michel Butor’s Illustrations III', Australian Journal of French Studies, 1988, vol. 25, no. 2, 190-206 Iversen, Niels, ‘Le Beau Sauvage dans Degrés’, Revue Romane, vol. 15, 1980, 185-202 For details of the contents of edited collections devoted to Michel Butor, see the website of Henri Desoubeaux, Dictionnaire Butor. This article was published on 2024-08-13