Research Leave Application Form

Before completing this form, please ensure that your PURE profile, including all outputs (proposed and published), impacts and activities, is up to date. Please also read the Guidelines for Applying for Research Leave.

Before completing this form, please familiarise yourself with the LLC guidelines for applying for research leave:

LLC guidelines for applying for research leave

Applications must be submitted by 1st October preceding the academic year in which leave is being requested. Applications submitted after this date will only be considered in exceptional circumstances and at the discretion of the Head of School. 

Semester 1 leave begins on 1st July and ends on 31st December. Semester 2 leave begins on 1st January and ends on 30th June. Colleagues will continue to undertake PhD supervision throughout leave periods.

For semester 1 leave, colleagues may be required to take part in MSc dissertation supervision, including providing feedback on draft chapters as stipulated by relevant MSc programme specifications. On their return in January, colleagues may be expected to be available to mark semester 1 work.

For semester 2 leave, colleagues are required to complete the marking of all semester 1 coursework (undergraduate, MSc and research training courses) and also be available from 1st August following their leave to deal with issues relating to MSc supervision and to mark MSc dissertations and undergraduate resit exams.

Please discuss your application with your Departmental Research Director before submission. Your application will be considered alongside previous research leave reports and a current CV will be downloaded from your PURE profile.

Personal details
Subject area
Leave details
(Including externally funded fellowships)

Period of research leave requested *

Please describe the main activities you will undertake during the leave period (max. 200 words)
Please outline how these activities will assist towards your research outputs and your next REF submission (max. 300 words)
Please advise where you will be based if this is outwith Edinburgh and provide details of any host institution (Max. 200 words)
Please list any funding required to undertake your research during the leave period (Max 300 words)
Please outline teaching and administrative duties the department will need to cover during your period of leave and whether you have discussed these requirements with your Head of Department. Please consider all Honours Options, Pre-Honours Courses, Undergraduate Teaching, Tutee Allocations and administrative roles (no word limit)