Funding is available from the School Research Fund to support a number of research related activities. Funding is only available to LLC staff with a research element in their contract. Before completing this form, please ensure that your PURE profile, including outputs and activities, is up to date.The fund will support any activity which will further research including:developing collaborations including travelling to visit partners and holding workshopsexploratory fieldwork and archival visits to develop project ideasresearch assistance with project development or project workpublication costs – please read additional guidance(.pdf) before applyingconference hostingconference attendance which will benefit your research and REF outputsApplications to the Research Fund cannot be made retrospectively. Any award made for travel costs will be conditional on receiving Head of School approval of an associated Travel Risk Assessment, which is required in order to arrange mandatory University Travel Insurance, and which must be obtained prior to making any bookings.You will not normally be awarded more than £1100 in academic year 2024/25. In exceptional circumstances additional funding may be available at the discretion of the LLC Research Committee. Any applications requesting more than £1100 over the academic year 2024/25 will be reviewed at regular committee meetings following the 1st August, 1st December and 1st April deadlines.Conference attendance is strictly capped at £1100 in 2024/25. Support for in-person conference attendance will be limited to colleagues presenting at or chairing a session, and where possible colleagues should consider attending conferences virtually.Applications for travel costs up to £1100, and for non-travel costs up to £400, will be considered by the LLC Director of Research on a rolling basis throughout the year (unless funds are fully allocated). Applications for non-travel costs (including publication costs) above £400 will be considered by the Research Committee following the 1st August, 1st December and 1st April deadlines.An ethics form should be completed for all new projects before submitting an application to the Research Fund.All funds for activities taking place in 2024/25 must be spent by 31st July 2025.External funds should be secured where possible. Please contact the Research Office for advice on applying for research grants. Requests which will assist with project development towards external funding applications and REF publications will be prioritised. Please refer to the Reducing Research Carbon Strategy for more details when planning your application budget. Personal details Applicant Subject area Subject area - Select -Asian StudiesCeltic and Scottish StudiesEnglish LiteratureEuropean Languages and CulturesIslamic and Middle Eastern StudiesFilmOther… Enter other… Email address Project details Project title Type of activity Type of activity - Select -Developing CollaborationsResearch TripResearch AssistancePublication CostsConference HostingConference AttendanceOther… Enter other… Total funds requested Project summary Please describe the activities to be undertaken and how they will benefit your research and future REF outputs. (max. 300 words) Timeline for Activities Funds must be spent and claimed before 31st July. Applications cannot be made retrospectively. Why is your proposed travel necessary for undertaking the project, and what alternatives have been considered? Please indicate in this section whether any travel will be involved in your planned activities. If so, please also indicate why this travel is necessary for undertaking the project, and what alternatives have been considered. For example: for archive visits, can materials be accessed online? For multiple trips, can these be combined to reduce total travel? For fieldwork interviews, could these be conducted online? For conference/seminar hosting, is an in-person event necessary, and what are the benefits over an online event? For in-person conference attendance, is online attendance available? If your plans do not involve travel, please answer 'N/A' to this section. Budget Please detail how the funds requested will be spent, providing a brief justification of any additional carbon costs - please refer to the Reducing Research Carbon Strategy (linked above) for more details. I consent to the University processing the information I provide. This article was published on 2024-08-13