The fund has been created to support impact arising from research projects and activities. Before completing this form, please discuss your project with your departmental impact coordinator and ensure that your PURE profile, including impact activities, is up to date.Activities must be completed by 31st July of the current academic year.Applications for up to £1000 will be considered by the KE and Impact Director and Departmental Impact Coordinator on a rolling basis throughout the year (unless funds are fully allocated). Applications for more than £1000 will be considered by committee following deadlines of 1st August, 1st December and 1st April each year.First-time applicants should clearly show how proposed activities will benefit non-academic audiences. Applicants who have received funding previously must justify how additional activities will enhance the impact created.(Please note: the following links open in this window by default, please right click and select "Open in a new tab"/"Open in a new window")For requests of over £2000 please consider applying for a CAHSS KE and Impact Grant:CAHSS Engagement for Impact Hub [EASE login required]Please consult the research ethics guidelines and complete an Ethics form for your project:LLC Research Ethics Applicant details Full name and title Subject area Subject area - Select -Asian StudiesCeltic and Scottish StudiesEnglish LiteratureEuropean Languages and CulturesIslamic and Middle Eastern StudiesFilmTranslation StudiesOther… Enter other… Email address Project details 1. Project summary Please describe the main activities of your project, the intended non-academic partners and users, and how they will benefit. (max. 100 words) 2. Underpinning Research Impact projects must be linked to completed, ongoing, or new research conducted in part or wholly by staff in LLC. Please describe your key research questions or insights, the relevant published outputs (max. 6), and details of any grants already received. Underpinning research should demonstrate internationally recognised quality in its originality, significance and rigour, in line with the REF 2021 output grading of 2* or above. Where this is not the case, there should be a clear plan to achieve this where the production of research is integrated with impact-generating activities (max. 300 words). 3. Partnerships with External Organisation(s) Please give details of the partnerships already in place with external organisations or individuals. If these are not in place, please describe how you will approach potential partners. Benefits and beneficiaries should be specific, measurable and meaningful (max. 200 words). 4. Activities Please give details of the activities of the project, how they are linked to the research in section 2 and how they will realise the impacts of the project claimed in section 6. (max. 300 words) 5. Timeline for activities Please describe in this section the timeline for the current project, as well as a plan for how the project will be made sustainable. Repeat funding cannot be guaranteed to each case study; where possible, projects should be prepared to seek College or external funding. 6. Anticipated impact and how this will be evidenced Please describe the potential short and long term impact of the project in relation to the partner organisation(s), the University and the wider society. For each point, please outline how you will capture and evidence the impact, i.e. how will we know that the impact has been achieved? This may include generating or obtaining formal evaluation data, references to the research in written documents by partner organisations and decision makers, testimonials from partners and decision makers etc. (Please ask the CAHSS KE office for advice.) For projects (e.g. events) aiming at building relationships with organisations for further collaboration, please state how you will follow up contacts after the event. Please note that impact is likely to be generated during and after the project is completed, so please outline how this will be captured also beyond the end of the award (by the PI, colleagues or partner organisations). (max. 500 words) Total funds requested Budget Please provide a breakdown of the budget. Note that unspent funds by the end of the financial year (31 July) will be lost. Teaching relief Do you require teaching relief? (Please ensure you have approval from your Head of Department before applying.) - Select -I will not require teaching reliefTeaching relief arrangements are in place and have been signed-off by your Head of Department Additional information Please detail the arrangements agreed with your Head of Department including number of hours required and estimated cost. I consent to the University processing the information I provide. This article was published on 2024-08-13