Jornada de formación de profesores de español Brought to you in collaboration with Editorial Edinumen, Consejería de Educación de España en Reino Unido, and Edinburgh Spanish Film Festival. This free, half-day event is for Primary and Secondary teachers of Spanish in Scotland and will be conducted entirely in Spanish. The programme will be made up of presentations and workshops and you'll receive a certificate of attendance. Presenters include Dr Carlos Soler Montes (University of Edinburgh), Chema Romero Monteserín (Edinumen), and teachers Jesús M. Hernández and Icíar F. Enterría. Visit the Edinumen website for full programme details and presenter biographies Are you interested in studying Spanish in the School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures? Our four-year undergraduate degrees (single and joint honours) include a funded year abroad in a Spanish-speaking country. We celebrate our centenary in 2019 and teach courses in Catalan and Basque, as well as Spanish. Find out more Oct 06 2018 09.30 - 14.00 Jornada de formación de profesores de español A one-day professional learning event for Primary and Secondary teachers of Spanish in Scotland. Seminar Rooms 1 and 2 Chrystal MacMillan Building 15a George Square Edinburgh EH8 9LD Find the venue ( Chrystal Macmillan Building)
Jornada de formación de profesores de español Brought to you in collaboration with Editorial Edinumen, Consejería de Educación de España en Reino Unido, and Edinburgh Spanish Film Festival. This free, half-day event is for Primary and Secondary teachers of Spanish in Scotland and will be conducted entirely in Spanish. The programme will be made up of presentations and workshops and you'll receive a certificate of attendance. Presenters include Dr Carlos Soler Montes (University of Edinburgh), Chema Romero Monteserín (Edinumen), and teachers Jesús M. Hernández and Icíar F. Enterría. Visit the Edinumen website for full programme details and presenter biographies Are you interested in studying Spanish in the School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures? Our four-year undergraduate degrees (single and joint honours) include a funded year abroad in a Spanish-speaking country. We celebrate our centenary in 2019 and teach courses in Catalan and Basque, as well as Spanish. Find out more Oct 06 2018 09.30 - 14.00 Jornada de formación de profesores de español A one-day professional learning event for Primary and Secondary teachers of Spanish in Scotland. Seminar Rooms 1 and 2 Chrystal MacMillan Building 15a George Square Edinburgh EH8 9LD Find the venue ( Chrystal Macmillan Building)
Oct 06 2018 09.30 - 14.00 Jornada de formación de profesores de español A one-day professional learning event for Primary and Secondary teachers of Spanish in Scotland.