Princess Dashkova, the Woman Who Shook the World: A project by Georgina Barker, 2018 IASH Fellow

Resources from a project by 2018 IASH Fellow Georgina Barker on Princess Dashkova's legacy: "Princess Dashkova, the Woman Who Shook the World"

She overthrew a Tsar, led Russia’s Enlightenment, and shocked Scotland with her cross-dressing.

The story of Dashkova was told through music, poetry, and 18th-century gossip at St Cecilia’s Hall on 29th November 2018: Princess Dashkova, the Woman Who Shook the World.

To learn more about Dashkova’s exploits as seen through the eyes of her contemporaries and posterity, read the e-book The Enlightened Virago: Princess Dashkova through the Eyes of Others, which is available for download below.

Georgina Barker, 2019 [ISBN 978-0-9532713-0-6]

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Event video


Event gallery

Group preview 1
Les Danses Antiques
Group - Act three
Group - Act one
Les Danses Antiques
Group - Act three

Photos taken by Gillian Tait and Matthew Scott


Drawing of Princess Dashkova depicted as a playing card wearing masculine and feminine clothes