Violetta Galitskaya (October - December 2015)

Currently a second-year MA student, Violetta is studying in Tomsk State University, on the specialty of sociology. Her Master's dissertation is focused on the issue of creating public spaces.

Violetta Galitskaya

She makes her research both in Tomsk and Edinburgh. These investigations are devoted to an example of a new public space development for actor-network theory purposes. Science Technology Studies concept brought a new discourse to sociology — “a reconsideration of the very idea of the social” — taking into account its relation with the phenomena of space.

Major publications

  • Social advertising as a reflection of the value orientations of society // I National Science Festival: National conference with international participation of students and young scientists “Science and Education” (Tomsk, 25-29 April 2011): Proceedings of the conference: 6 vol. - Volume III: Pedagogy and Psychology. Part 3: Psychology, public relations and advertising. - Tomsk: Publishing TSPU, 2011. – P. 163-171
  • Specificity of Tomsk social outdoor advertising // XIV National Conference with international participation of students and young scientists “Science and Education” (19-23 April 2010): 6 vol. - Volume III: Pedagogy and Psychology. Part 2: Psychology. Advertising and public relations. – Tomsk: Publishing of TSPU 2010.-P.273-281