Linguistic Inclusivity

Read about our Active Policy of Linguistic Inclusivity which encourages critical awareness about gender and language.

Italian Studies has agreed an Active Policy of Linguistic Inclusivity (APLI). We are are proud to have piloted this policy in our School since 2015. It is the only one of its kind in the UK.

The APLI is not a normative policy, but a non-penalising approach that encourages critical awareness about gender and language.

In Italian writing and speaking, you can choose:

  • to use the feminine plural as an inclusive form for mixed-gender groups, instead of the traditional masculine plural
  • to adopt any feminine form of a professional title, even if it is unusual or not included in the dictionary
  • to alternate between masculine and feminine personal pronouns and adjectives, when the subject is non-binary

These are personal choices and they will not be corrected or penalised, but rules about the agreement of gender and number will continue to apply.

In emails, you can use a final asterisk (*) or schwa (ə) to address non-binary individuals or groups in a gender-neutral way.

Want to know more about the policy and its use?

Get in touch by email