Links to supportive organisations and university departments in the Nordic world. NABO - The North Atlantic Biocultural Organisation NABO was founded over 20 years ago to attempt to cross-cut national and disciplinary boundaries and to help North Atlantic scholars make the most of the immense research potential of our damp and lovely research area. Centre for Scandinavian Studies Copenhagen-Lund The Centre for Scandinavian Studies Copenhagen-Lund (CSS) is an organization founded in 2010 and based on a close collaboration between the Institute for Nordic Studies and Linguistics (Institut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab [INSS]) at the University of Copenhagen and The Centre for Languages and Literature (Språk- och litteraturcentrum [SOL]) at Lund University. Nordisk Forkningsinstitut (The Department of Nordic Research), University of Copenhagen The NFI is dedicated to research, dissemination and teaching in the areas of Nordic cultural heritage and in modern sociolinguistic and technological approaches to language. They work with philological disciplines such as manuscript and literature studies, with name research and language change, human language technology and data science. The Nordic House The Nordic House in Reykjavík is a cultural institution opened in 1968 and operated by the Nordic Council of Ministers. Its goal is to foster and support cultural connections between Iceland and the other Nordic countries. To this end the Nordic House organizes a diverse program of cultural events and exhibitions. Icelandic Literature Centre The Icelandic Literature Centre is a government-funded office dedicated to raising awareness of Icelandic literature, both in Iceland and abroad, and to promote its distribution. Foreningerne Nordens Forbund (The Confederation of Nordic Associations) The Confederation of Nordic Associations organises cooperation between the Nordic Associations in the five Nordic countries and the Faroe Islands, Greenland and Åland. NORLA - Norwegian Literature Abroad NORLA is dedicated to the translation and export of Norwegian literature. Nordic Research Groups, University of Oslo Centre for Small State Studies, University of Iceland This article was published on 2024-08-13