Syrian Futures relies on an amazing group of committed volunteers in order to develop and deliver its programme of events and initiatives.
If you have skills which you would like to contribute to the project then we would be delighted to hear from you. We would be particularly keen to hear from you if you have the following skills, experiences or connections:
- You speak Arabic or Kurdish to a good level
- You have experience in either further or higher education (either as a student or member of staff)
- You have connections to local buisinesses and employment opportunities
- You posess professional skills which you could share with Syrian communities
Don't worry if none of the above are relevant to you. If you are enthusiastic and would just like to get involved, please do consider applying as a volunteer.
How To Apply
If you would like to contriubte your time and sjills to the Syrian Futures Project, please contact us via email giving a sense of your skills and interests and we will get back in touch to discuss the options with you: syrian.futures@ed.ac.uk.