The Scottish Graduate School of Social Science has announce the launch of their 2020/21 ESRC Postdoctoral Fellowship Competition. The Alwaled Centre is home to a number of research staff interested in acting as mentors for SGSSS-ESRC Postdoctoral Fellowship applicants. Click HERE to learn more about the research interests of the Alwaleed Centre's academic team. If your proposed research engages with the contempoarary Muslim world and you are looking for advice and guidance on finding an appropriate mentor, please contact us directly: For full information about the scheme visit the SGSSS website: Overview Six Postdoctoral Fellowships are available from the SGSSS-DTP to start in October 2021. All Fellows are required to have a mentor based at the institution where the Fellowship is held. The mentor should have experience and a strong interest in the applicant’s field of research but should not normally be the applicant’s PhD supervisor. We anticipate that many applicants will identify potential mentors independently, or with advice from previous supervisors/academic contacts. However, should candidates need assistance in identifying a suitable mentor, they should get in touch with your relevant HEI Champion or alternatively contact SGSSS directly. Applicants to Scottish institutions should note that the SGSSS-DTP has a two-stage application process (see below for full details). Only applicants successful at Stage 1 will be invited to submit a full application at Stage 2: Stage 1 Application Deadline is 4pm 14 January 2021 Stage 2 Application Deadline is 4pm on 23 March 2021 Eligibility This opportunity is open to applicants who have completed their PhD at an institution that is part of a DTP or CDT and must be held at one of the 12 institutions that form the SGSSS-DTP, aligned to an accredited pathway (see here for the SGSSS pathways). Applicants are not required to have previously held an ESRC-funded studentship in order to be eligible to apply. To be eligible applicants must: Have been awarded a PhD or have passed their viva voce with minor amendments by the application deadline of 23 March 2021 and have been awarded their PhD by the fellowship start date of 1 October 2021 Have no more than 12 months active postdoctoral experience since passing their viva voce (allowing for career breaks) by 23 March 2021 Permanent members of staff in an academic position with a research component are not eligible for this scheme. If a candidate has previously been employed on a part-time basis, that employment can be calculated pro-rata Please see the ESRC PDF Call Specification and ESRC PDF FAQs (see Competition Guidance and Documents section) for further information on eligibility available HERE. This call welcomes proposals from those returning to research following a career break, however applicants are required to meet the eligibility criterion of having no more than 12 months of active postdoctoral experience. This article was published on 2024-08-13