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Panel Title
Panel Summary (max 300 words)
Panel Convener Details
The Panel Convener is the person who is organising the panel and the person who BRAIS will communicate with once your submission is received.
Title (e.g. Ms, Mr, Dr, Professor)
First Name
Email address
Your university/institution
BRAIS Membership Number (if applicable)
Paper 1
Please provide details of the first paper in the panel.
Presenter title (e.g. Ms, Mr, Dr, Professor)
First Name
Email address
Your university/institution
BRAIS membership number (if applicable)
Paper 1 Title
Paper 1 Abstract (max 200 words)
Paper 2
Please provide details of the second paper in the panel.
Presenter title (e.g. Ms, Mr, Dr, Professor)
First Name
Email address
Your university/institution
BRAIS membership number (if applicable)
Paper 2 Title
Paper 2 Abstract (max 200 words)
Paper 3
Please provide details of the third paper in the panel.
Presenter title (e.g. Ms, Mr, Dr, Professor)
First Name
Email address
Your university/institution
BRAIS membership number (if applicable)
Paper 3 Title
Paper 3 Abstract (max 200 words)
Paper 4
Please provide details of the fourth paper in the panel (if there are only three papers then leave this section blank).
Presenter title (e.g. Ms, Mr, Dr, Professor)
First Name
Email address
Your university/institution
BRAIS membership number (if applicable)
Paper 4 Title
Paper 4 Abstract (max 200 words)