In brief
Title - How Japanese Aesthetics Differs from the West - Japanese Tea Ceremony
Guest speaker - Tea Master Soju Nakazawa 中澤宗寿 (Gakushuin Women’s College)
About the event
We're delighted to present a special lecture and demonstration of a traditional Japanese tea ceremony by tea master Soju Nakazawa from Japan with the support from the Consulate General of Japan in Edinburgh.
At the event, tea will be served to a few members of the audience as part of the demonstration.
About the speaker
Soju Nakazawa 中澤宗寿 is tea master of the Omotesenke style. He is also a lecturer at Gakushuin Women’s College.
Sojo Nakazawa was born in 1970 in Tokyo and grew up on Japanese traditional cultures. He especially showed a keen interest in the tea culture since his childhood, under the strong influences of his grandmother and mother who were both tea masters alongside other relatives, such as Gonjuro Kawarazaki III (a famous Kabuki star) and Tokuho Azuma (a grand master of Japanese classical dance).
How to join
This session is an in-person event, open to the public. If this session is full and you are a student/staff of the University of Edinburgh, you might find a space in the earlier session (16:30 -17:45), exclusive to internal audiences. Please note that you need to book your ticket for the earlier session through a different link.
If you have any questions or wish to book onto the earlier session, please contact the event organiser Fumiko Narumi-Munro.